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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for March 2008

Tennessee News

Local news for Tennessee, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Thursday on WBBM-Ch. 2 - March 31, 2008

North Carolina vs. Washington St., 6:27 Louisville vs. Tennessee , 8:57 Test pattern Veteran observers of Notre Dame could see Saturday's loss coming. via Chicago Tribune

Not Your Father's L'Abri - March 29, 2008

"When I brought up the idea, Dad said, 'That's great, I love Schaeffer,'" A melia Hendrix, a tall brunette and the daughter of a Presbyterian Church in America minister, has spent her life as "a poster child for the church." Toward the end of her four years at the University of ... via Campus Life

Owners can be hushed at board meetings - March 22, 2008

Q : I have questions about open condo meetings and serving on committees. Our board limits the number of speakers at the opening of a board meeting to five minutes each. via Chicago Tribune

Areas of state get foot, more of snow - March 8, 2008

An unusually heavy March snow blew through Arkansas on Friday, dropping some white powder in nearly every county. via Arkansas Online
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