Utah PoliticsUtahPolitics.org is a non-partisan Web site dedicated to the discussion of political happenings around the State of Utah.Toward Understanding School Vouchers- May 31, 2007 by Jim Ferrin The citizens of Utah will vote on school vouchers in November. But, unfortunately, they aren't yet getting much good information on which to make the decision. It seems all press coverage has been mired in the...http://www.utahpolitics.org/archives/2007/05/toward_understanding_school_vouchers.shtml Saying Yes to Paper Ballots- May 29, 2007 An editorial in last Thursday's Deseret News got a little hot under the collar over the current debate over what to do with electronic voting. It said, in part: The concern is understandable, of course. New inventions make nervous...http://www.utahpolitics.org/archives/2007/05/saying_yes_to_paper_ballots.shtml Would We Go to Iraq Now- May 25, 2007 Bob Kerrey, a former Democratic senator from Nebraska and member of the 911 Commission, wrote a brilliant op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday call The Left's Iraq Muddle. As you read it, keep in mind that...http://www.utahpolitics.org/archives/2007/05/would_we_go_to_iraq_now.shtml Rocky's Green Budget- May 2, 2007 I don't agree with a lot of things Rocky Anderson says and does, but I'd like to see more cities (not to mention the State) follow his example in establishing a fund for renewable energy technologies. A few weeks...http://www.utahpolitics.org/archives/2007/05/rockys_green_budget.shtml |