Utah State Legislature NewsWhat's new on the Utah State Legislature web site.Health System Reform RFP- April 23, 2008 The purpose of this RFP is to enter into a contract with a qualified person, persons, or entity to assist the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel (OLRGC) in providing staff support to the Utah Legislature's Health System Reform Task Force by evaluating the actuarial impact of health insurance market reform developed by the Task Force.http://le.utah.gov/interim/2008/pdf/HealthSystemReformRFP.pdf Fiscal Highlights - April 2008- April 23, 2008 April 2008 update on State of Utah fiscal matters compiled by the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst.http://le.utah.gov/interim/2008/pdf/LFANewsletter_April_v1.pdf Campaign Finance Disclosure Deadlines- April 9, 2008 During the 2008 General Session, the legislature passed three bills affecting campaign finance disclosure.http://le.utah.gov/lrgc/SB21CampaignFinanceDisclosure2008.pdf Individual Income Tax Changes- April 4, 2008 Many people are wondering how the recent changes to Utah's tax system will affect them. Below are links to several sources of information on changes to Utah's individual income tax system.http://le.utah.gov/lrgc/incometaxchanges.htm |