Virginia NewsLocal news for Virginia, NE continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mel Trotter Ministries names new leader- September 20, 2007 "I am honored to be selected. It's a wonderful opportunity" After a national search, Mel Trotter Ministries is turning to a local mission leader to direct its 107-year-old mission operation. via Grand Rapids Press With Warner in mix, Virginia a battleground state- September 13, 2007 "Now those breakthroughs are becoming more frequent." It appears we could have another bitter Senate battle in Virginia next year. Former Virginia Gov. via CNN Dems' Great Senate Hopes- September 12, 2007 DEMOCRATS may hold up to 57 U.S. Senate seats after the 2008 election - almost enough to block a Republican filibuster and likely enough to assure passage of most of the Democratic program. via New York Post |