Washington NewsLocal news for Washington, ME continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Union Fair seeks blueberry queen applicants- June 21, 2008 UNION : This summer's Union Fair may be two months away, but it's time for candidates for the Maine wild blueberry queen title to turn in their applications.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/union-fair-seeks-blueberry-queen-applicant... Summer solstice sets off series of seasonal celebrations- June 19, 2008 On Saturday, June 21 Rockland celebrates the start of summer with its Summer Solstice event.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/summer-solstice-sets-off-series-of-seasona... Father-son veterans' graves to be marked- June 16, 2008 The memory of a father and son will be honored June 21 in St. George, when their graves are marked by two lineage societies from the state of Washington.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/father-son-veterans-graves-to-be-marked?fr... Quick-moving fire destroys family home in Washington- June 13, 2008 WASHINGTON : A house fire can happen on any given day, but it's most unlucky when it happens on a Friday the 13th.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/quick-moving-fire-destroys-family-home-in-... Fire destroys unoccupied Washington trailer- June 9, 2008 About 30 firefighters from seven agencies turned out Friday afternoon to fight a trailer fire off Route 17 on Steinmeyer Road.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/fire-destroys-unoccupied-washington-traile... Numbers from the Democratic presidential nominating contests- June 4, 2008 Jun 3, 2008 1:25 PM By The Associated Press, AP Numbers and more numbers from the Democrats' presidential primary campaign: -Days since Obama announced his candidacy, as of Tuesday: 479 -Days since Clinton ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/numbers-from-the-democratic-presidential-n... Puerto Rico Hands Clinton a Fatal Victory- June 2, 2008 After she scored a lopsided victory in Sunday's Puerto Rico primary, Hillary Clinton attempted to frame her campaign against Barack Obama, which will conclude with primaries in Montana and South Dakota on ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-me/2008/06/puerto-rico-hands-clinton-a-fatal-victory?... |