Washington NewsLocal news for Washington, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Iowa Agriculture Briefs: Pasture walk to show swine manure application- June 29, 2008 A demonstration study and field day will begin at 5 p.m. Monday with a pasture walk at the Conservation Reserve Program Research and Demonstration Farm north of Corning.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/iowa-agriculture-briefs-pasture-walk-to-sh... Oakville residents return to flood-damaged homes- June 27, 2008 Nearly two weeks after floodwater from the Iowa River punched through a levee protecting their town, residents of Oakville began returning to their homes and for the first-time saw the devastation that was left ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/oakville-residents-return-to-flood-damaged... American Humane Aids Animal Shelters in Midwest Flooding :: PNNOnline- June 20, 2008 American Humane Aids Animal Shelters in Midwest Flooding Posted by: philcrosby on Friday, June 20, 2008 The American Humane Association has issued $12,500 in emergency grants to several animal shelters hit ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/american-humane-aids-animal-shelters-in-mi... Louisa Co. passes '93 record levels- June 18, 2008 By CHRISTINIA CRIPPES ccrippesthehawkeye.com COLUMBUS JUNCTION -- As Louisa County communities top record flood levels -- and still have many feet to go before the crest -- residents are relying on the ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/louisa-co-passes-93-record-levels?fromrss=... Five days of work go for naught in Columbus Junction- June 16, 2008 But the levees gave way, and in the end the water won. Or that's how it looks downtown, where the senior center, the medical center, the pharmacy, the water plant and a couple dozen other businesses are under ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/five-days-of-work-go-for-naught-in-columbu... Behnaz Soulati, 38- June 14, 2008 Behnaz Soulati, 38, of Des Moines, Iowa, died Monday, June 9, 2008 at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics in Iowa City after a valiant fight with breast cancer.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/behnaz-soulati-38?fromrss=1 Washington School District awarded preschool grant- June 12, 2008 Washington Schools Superintendent David Schmitt said he is proud the school district was able to work together with preschools in the Washington community to secure a state grant to make early education more ...http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/washington-school-district-awarded-prescho... Record Floods: Flooding, Curfew, Damage & Utility Summary- June 10, 2008 Here is the latest information on the Mason City curfew, road closures, emergency management details, flooding, evacuations, utilities, and contacts.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/record-floods-flooding-curfew-damage-utili... Loebsack pushes for federal school money- June 8, 2008 WASHINGTON - Iowa schools would receive $35 million in grants for repairs and energy-efficient technology under a measure the House approved this week, Rep.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/loebsack-pushes-for-federal-school-money?f... Arrests for June 4- June 6, 2008 Iowa City Paul Joseph Naughton, 64, of 1118 Cottonwood Ave in Iowa City was arrested for drunken driving at 9:49 p.m. Monday, Jun.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-ia/2008/06/arrests-for-june-4?fromrss=1 |