Washington Depot NewsLocal news for Washington Depot, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.WAA's 55 years celebrated in year-end show- November 30, 2007 The Washington Art Association is presenting an exhibit that traces the organization's 55 years through Jan. via The Greater New Milford Spectrumhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2007/11/waas-55-years-celebrated-in-year-end... Author's last work on film at Bantam- November 29, 2007 "We're offering our patrons something new, a DVD presentation of a book, which is extremely helpful for a deceased writer because he can't go on a book tour. But it's also the wave of the future" Think of it as a book tour without the author, but with a video presentation. On Saturday morning, Bantam Cinema will present a literary short film revolving around the late David Halberstam's last book, "The ... via The Waterbury Connecticut Republicanhttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2007/11/authors-last-work-on-film-at-bantam?... Warren-Afghanistan Business Connection- November 21, 2007 "What we want them to learn is that people will pay a premium when something is well made. Being in business means delivering the highest quality possible to your customers. We want to teach them to have pride in their work" More than a year has passed since Wendy Summer of Warren traveled to Afghanistan to help female entrepreneurs grow their textile businesses and launch her own product development company, Zaanha. via Litchfield County Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2007/11/warren-afghanistan-business-connecti... 'Tipperary' Author On Tour- November 15, 2007 Frank Delaney, whose novel 'Ireland' was a best-seller, returns to familiar ground with 'Tipperary' . Set in the early 20th century, the book is about an Anglo-Irish healer obsessively in love with an ... via Hartford Couranthttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-depot-ct/2007/11/tipperary-author-on-tour?fromrss=1 |