apophenia:: making connections where none previously existedfrom blog to comic- May 30, 2008 Last fall, I wrote an entry called my long lost handwriting. Much to my delight, Greg Williams turned that post into a comic for Blogjam which appears in the Tampa Tribune tomorrow. Here's the digital version. ::giggle::http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2008/05/29/from_blog_to_co.html this ain't about sexism- May 24, 2008 Driving home yesterday, I listened to Pat Schroeder and NPR talk about how people are not voting for Hillary Clinton because of sexism. I swore at the radio and then apologized to my car. As everyone who knows me knows, I'm SICK AND TIRED of this election. I've been disenchanted, frustrated, depressed, and irritated. Lately, I've just been downright angry. I am a third wave feminist and I'm proud of it. Gender issues have been central to my identity for as long as I can remember. I am..http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2008/05/23/this_aint_about.html update: the sorta graduation- May 21, 2008 For months, I've been locked indoors trying to get enough of my dissertation finished so that I could walk in graduation. Last week, I handed something that sorta kinda looks vaguely like a maybe dissertation to my committee, much to the absolute joy of my family, I walked in Berkeley's graduation. Of course, that does not mean that I'm graduated so don't go calling me doctor. Oh, no, au contraire! This only means that I've walked and that my committee has full faith that I will be finished.http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2008/05/21/update_the_sort.html Mobilizing Generation 2.0- May 7, 2008 Ben Rigby and Rock the Vote have put together a book for activists, politicos, and organizers called "Mobilizing Generation 2.0: A Practical Guide to Using Web 2.0." It is a how-to guide to help those who want to mobilize using the web, focusing on how organizers can leverage blogging, social network sites, photovideo sharing, mobile phones, wikis, maps and virtual worlds. Interspersed between the directly practical and usable are a handful of "Big Picture" essays which are intended to help...http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2008/05/07/mobilizing_gene.html User Elections for LiveJournal's Advisory Board- May 6, 2008 LiveJournal's Advisory Board helps advise LJ about policies, business, user practices, and product development. Currently, the Board consists of: me, Esther Dyson, Brad Fitzpatrick, and Lawrence Lessig. LJ has decided that users should also sit on the Advisory Board (recognizing that Brad and I are both also active users). So, LJ is having an election! It is with great pleasure that I announce that LiveJournal has opened the nominations for user elections. LJ has decided that, in order to..http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2008/05/05/user_elections.html Little Brother + the Uglies series = le awesome young adult scifi- May 1, 2008 Although I've always been eh about most scifi, I've grown increasingly fond of young adult science fiction and scifi focused on teens. There's something fun in reading about teens running around trying to save the world. I can thankblame Cory Doctorow for most of this because he's the one who got me hooked on reading it. So I'm super super super stoked to announce that his first young adult scifi book is on the shelves. Little Brother is the story of a group of friends who are in the middle.http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2008/05/01/little_brother.html |