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TNT press release summaries

Latest TNT press releases

TNT mobilises fleet to deliver aid to Nargis victims in Myanmar - May 30, 2008

Amsterdam, TNT is working with the Royal Thai Army to deliver food and drinking water to the victims of the Nargis cyclone in Myanmar. A convoy of 22 TNT trucks heading for the Thai-Myanmar border today left Bangkok around 8:00 am local time, carrying 260,000 litres of water, 12 tons of rice, 25 tons of eggs, biscuits, flashlights, fish cans, instant noodles, clothes, and flour, adding up to a total of 150 metric tons. The convoy will reach its destination in the Thai northwestern province Tak..

TNT's CEO Peter Bakker: 'World hunger is an unacceptable tragedy!' - May 30, 2008

Amsterdam, 'Every five seconds a child dies of hunger, this is an unacceptable tragedy. While there is enough food to feed these children. That's something we can't miss.' Two days before the global Walk the World event, Peter Bakker, CEO of TNT, stresses the urgency of the worldwide food crisis that is now raging over the world like a silent tsunami.

TNT N.V. - Buyback of ordinary shares - May 28, 2008

Amsterdam, Further to the share buyback program announced on 30 July 2007, the completion of a first euro 200 million tranche on 4 January 2008, the completion of a second euro 100 million tranche on 15 February 2008, and a third up to euro 200 million tranche, announced on 28 April 2008, TNT N.V. announces that:

Agreement in principle on new collective labour agreement for TNT - May 24, 2008

Amsterdam, TNT and the trade unions ABVAKABO FNV, CNV Publieke Zaak, BVPP and VPP today reached an agreement in principle on a new one-year collective labour agreement in constructive negotiations. The agreement will come into force with retroactive effect to 1 April 2008 and will apply to all TNT employees in the Netherlands.

TNT N.V. - Buyback of ordinary shares - May 21, 2008

Amsterdam - Further to the share buyback program announced on 30 July 2007, the completion of a first euro 200 million tranche on 4 January 2008, the completion of a second euro 100 million tranche on 15 February 2008, and a third up to euro 200 million tranche, announced on 28 April 2008, TNT N.V. announces that:
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