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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for July 2008

Talyllyn Railway: Latest News

Latest news from the Talyllyn Railway

Presentation to Donald Heath - (Found July 11, 2008 )

Engineering Manager Dave Scotsonpresents a replica of locomotive No 3 Sir Haydn'sworks plate to Donald Heath OBE to mark the occasion of his retirement from rostered driving duties on the Talyllyn Railway.Thanks to Bill Tyndall for the information and pictures.

Tracksiders 2008 - (Found July 11, 2008 )

Tracksiders week 25th - 30th May 2008. Further information at

Rail fund - (Found July 11, 2008 )

I am very pleased to report that currently the New Rail Fund stands at 8,550.A big thank you to everyone who has contributed so far, your generosity is much appreciated.Keith Theobald - Outdoor Foreman

Rails from Trecwn - (Found July 11, 2008 )

Several TR staff members and volunteers have been staying at Trecwn, the former RNAD in Pembrokeshire,lifting rails ready to be transported up to Tywyn . Steve Thorpe has kindly sent us some photos of the goings on.MartinTurner removing the first rail at TrecwnRichard Hope removing rails from three road loopMike Carpenter dramatically cutting the rails to thechamberThank you to everyone who has donated towards this new rail - the opportunity to get suitable rail for the TR doesn't come along...

Update from Trecwn - June 2008 - (Found July 11, 2008 )

Keith Theobald reports that the New Rail Fund now stands at a magnificent 45,000 pounds thanks to the generosity of the membership. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed.The forthcoming Outdoor Week will see plenty of activity around sorting the new material and scrapping other material that we no longer need to keep in reserve. One evening during Outdoor Week there will be a session in the Slater Room with pictures of operations at Trecwn. Below are some photographs of the work at..

Trecwn Rails Arrive in Tywyn - (Found July 11, 2008 )

Thesepicturesshow the first of the rail from Trecwn reaching the rail stackon the evening of Wednesday 18th June 2008. The weather was pretty awful, but the opportunity of a willing labour force from the loco department was taken advantage of under the direction of Keith Theobald.A second lorry load of rail arrived Friday 20th June, with another duesoon and more track materials to follow.Thank you to Andrew Young for the photographs and the information

Out and About 19th & 20th June 2008 - (Found July 11, 2008 )

The Vintage Trainis running again this year, and may be featured in a BBC programme ('Victorian Farm') due to be shown in the autumn. Carriage No 1 is having work done on it,and hasbeen replaced by the Corris saloonwhich has proved very popular as an observation coach at the rear of the train.At RhydyronenFireman Andrew Robinson tries to avoid getting drenched using the old water column at DolgochParked in the loop at AbergynolwynYounger visitors will be pleased to know Sir Handel is back for a.

Tywyn & District Model Railway Exhibition CANCELLED - (Found July 11, 2008 )

The Tywyn & District Model Railway Club Exhibition which shouldhave been on Saturday 26th July 2008 has been CANCELLED.Unfortunately the local chapel hall which should have been the venue, isundergoing building work and it is obviousely not going to be finishedbefore the 26th, partially due to a burst water main.Nigel Adams

Lorry Loads of Scrap leave the TR - (Found July 11, 2008 )

As part of the New Rail Appeal a review of the existing stocks of material would be held and all old rail etc. found to be surplus and unfit for re-use would be sold for scrap. This review has identified a least two lorry loads of scrap the first of which left Wharf during the afternoon of Thursday 4th July 2008. The rail recently delivered from Trecwn has nearly all been moved to Ty Mawr now for storage until its laid. The outcome of the New Rail Appeal will influence where the money raised by.

Spring Outdoor Week 2008 - Dolgoch Tamping - (Found July 11, 2008 )

The pictures show some of the work associated with the ballasting and tamping work by milepost 5 which is just East of Dolgoch Station.Further work remains to be done on this site.Jacking the track upNew ballast has been tipped onto the track using the ballast wagon, the Gang spread the ballast evenly between the sleepersUsing the Matisa Tamper The Outdoor Gang have a well earned cup of tea.Thanks to Keith Theobald for the pictures and information
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- July (10 items)
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