The Word HoardThe Word Hoard - LiveJournal.comEven the New York Times Does It!- June 17, 2008 When I was living in New Mexico, I would occasionally talk to people from other states and have to explain that I live in the US. I might order a hard drive from a place in New York or a laptop computer from wherever Dell is located and I would hear, "we don't ship out of the country." And thus, I would patiently explain that New Mexico is one of the fifty states in the US and has been for about a century. I would tell them that they could ship to me in all confidence, noting that it was... Holiday!- June 13, 2008 A wonderful day is on the horizon! What Friday the 13th Bah. Boring! Besides, that is today. It cannot be on the horizon if it is current.Father's Day Are you jokingTomorrow is World Juggling Day! I have no idea what became of my chickens. My earths are long gone. At least I still have a good set of rings, clubs, and hackysacs.Come outside! Join the fun! Learn to juggle or if you already know how, teach someone else!I cannot guarantee that it will lead you to a life of fun and... Just When I Thought My Life Was Becoming Normal- June 12, 2008 So I put my resume on a while back. I have kept it updated and have been using that site (among others) to search for a new job. I kept the resume public so that if I missed an opportunity, someone could contact me. My resume, as anyone who knows me should figure, is mostly filled with science related and technical jobs. Research, teaching a college course in astronomy, supporting computers, programming, electronics, machine shop ... you get the idea.So last night, I got a call.. A Couple More Links- June 11, 2008 I would love for Nelson's attempt to do away with the electoral college to bear fruit. It probably will not, but at least it will put the issue back in the spotlight.I like this piece which compares Obama to a Mac. Now if I could just a candidate who is more like Ubuntu Linux ...! ;) Been playing with a Wii lately. Mario & Sonic at the Olympics might just succeed where months of going to the gym failed. My arms are really sore!I have sent so many resumes lately, I do not remember what jobs. Some Links- June 10, 2008 I am surprised that this did not get more coverage. Dennis Kucinich introduces impeachment resolution against Bush.Furthermore, something for which I have been hoping for a long time is happening, Puerto Rico in independence bid. It has been in commonwealth status too long! Puerto Rico should either be independent or a state! Now, if we could just get Washington D.C. to have representation ...!Also, in less serious but no less awesome news, someone is redoing classic photos in Lego!And... I Don't Really Have a Subject Header For This- June 8, 2008 Yesterday I went to a memorial service for someone whom I have never met. No, this is not some new hobby. T was playing violin before and after. She has only been playing for a few months so she only knows a few songs: Beethoven's Ode to Joy, Michael Row The Boat Ashore, I think that there was a piece by Debussy in there, and maybe a study from her teacher. Oh, there were two others, but we told her not to play them because they were a little too happy for a memorial service.The preacher... Ear worm- June 7, 2008 All morning long I have had a song stuck in my head. Not a good one either. One that I hated when it first came out about twenty years ago. Usually when a song gets stuck in my head, I can mentally play it through til the end so that there is some sort of musical finale and I can purge the demonic music from my brain. Not this time. I avoided the majority of the song with a passion when it was popular. I do not know the title. I barely remember who sang it. I could only hear the melody.. So it is written ...- June 5, 2008 There comes a day in a man's life when he may realize that the purpose of children is to pull their parents slowly and inexorably down the primrose lined path into madness.There may also come a day when the corollary to this, that his parents were once sane and that their lack of sanity is his fault.Woe betide him if these two revelations happen upon the same day, for they have no choice but to bring about the third revelation ... that it is far, far too late to save himself from suffering his.. Trke bilmiyorum- June 3, 2008 As if my mind is not warped enough from teaching myself Spanish and plasma physics in my spare time ... I have taken on a new hobby as of about a half an hour ago. I am teaching myself Turkish. For my next trick, I shall learn to play all of the works of Fernando Sor and Robert Johnson both forward and backward. Weird- June 1, 2008 I read in my dream last night. I read words and understood their meaning and what they meant shocked me so much, I automatically awoke ... startled and slightly out of breath.I have never read in a dream before. |