A Telecom, Paging, Text Messaging and SMS Blog from NotePageTelecom Industry News and Software Tips for Text Messengers. Daily information and news related to telecommunications, paging, text messaging, and sms messaging. Includes news announcements from the industry and tips related to text messaging and SMS.BlackBerry Creates Security Concerns in France - June 28, 2007The manufacturer of BlackBerry smartphones has assured the French government that their products are not vulnerable to espionage. Canadian phone maker RIM said after France's national defense agency banned many government officials from using the devices for sensitive government purposes that the communications are protected by sophisticated encryption codes that would take billions of years to crack, The Times of London reported Wednesday. French security officials had expressed concern...http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#715 Mobile Virus Creator Arrested - June 28, 2007Spanish police have arrested a 28-year-old man on charges that he created variants of the CommWarrior and Cabir mobile phone viruses, according to published reports. The man, whose identity was not disclosed is accused of creating 20 new variants of the viruses.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#714 Dobson Communications Might Be Up for Sale - June 27, 2007Rural cell phone service provider Dobson Communications is the latest telecommunications firm to attract the attention of buyout managers, according to media reports Monday. Dobson has a customer base of 1.76 million subscribers over a mostly rural 17-state area. The region has a population of more than 12.6 million.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#713 Chronic Health Monitored Via Cell Phones - June 27, 2007Most teens say they could not live without their cell phones. For some of them, the exaggeration may soon have a kernel of truth. Doctors are testing technology that uses wireless data, text messaging and other youth-friendly technology to monitor and manage chronic illnesses. While these systems do not address life-and-death medical emergencies, some experts say the emerging field does show promise for improving the lives of those with long-term conditions.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#712 Monthly iPhone Service Charges - June 27, 2007AT&T Inc. and Apple Inc. on Tuesday said wireless service for the iPhone will range from $59.99 to $99.99 per month.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#711 European Mobile Operators Must Pay VAT - June 26, 2007Mobile phone operators have lost a legal battle to reclaim more than 3bn of the 22.5bn they paid to the British government in 2000 for third-generation licences. The final decision by the European Court of Justice confirmed a preliminary opinion issued last September. It rejected arguments by companies such as Vodafone, T-Mobile, Orange and Hutchison that value added tax was charged in the price paid for licences.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#710 Wafer Thin Camera Phones - June 18, 2007Tessera Technologies has revealed new wafer-level camera technology that can be implemented into devices such as mobiles and PCs.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#709 Cellular YouTube - June 11, 2007YouTube co-founder Steve Chen said on Saturday consumers in many parts of the world will have access to the popular video-sharing Web site on their mobile phones by next year.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#707 EU to Charge Americans Roaming Charges - June 11, 2007European Union governments approved a cap on cell phone roaming fees this week, but the move isn't likely to have much if any impact on U.S. cell phone callers traveling in European this summer. Approved Thursday, the new cap is scheduled to take effect in European countries in August. Rates will be capped at 66 cents a minute for outgoing calls and 33 cents a minute for incoming calls. The lid on roaming fees drops prices drastically and service providers have complained about the action.http://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#708 Catching Large Leopards with Ringtones - June 5, 2007Forest guards in western India are using cell phones with ringtones of cows mooing, goats bleating and roosters crowing to attract leopards that have wandered into human settlements, officials said on Monday. But rather than use methods such as live bait like goats tied to trees to lure the leopards, which then fall into large pits dug by guards, officials say they have found a safer method to trap the cats. complete articlehttp://www.notepage.net/blog.htm#706 |