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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for July 2008


LTD and I were at dinner tonight with Tasha and her boyfriend laughing and talking about everything and nothing. The subject of our trip to Florida came up of an incident Tasha had with a jalapeno pepper. Apparently she had just popped one in her mouth at dinner one night, thinking nothing about it since she had tasted the flavor of this hot pepper before. What was comical was that the heat surprised her so much that she started cramming food into her mouth to quench the fire. The waitress..

ANOTHER BOMB - July 15, 2008

LTD's mother is doing very well. She still can't walk, but she's in Rehab and is getting stronger every day. It's amazing to see because just a month ago she was hooked up to every conceivable machine in ICU and was very near death. Every phone call was like an alarm going off and LTD was out of her mind with worry and despair. Her mother has come a long way and we're all amazed. Our worry now is that she get the strength back in her legs. They won't keep her in Rehab forever and if she...
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