Union Dale NewsLocal news for Union Dale, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.WHO&146;S NEW- February 26, 2008 BECHTEL: A daughter, Feb. 22, to David and Jamie Miller Bechtel, Scranton. BENZELESKI: A daughter, Feb. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/who-146-s-new?fromrss=1 Pearl A. Leventhal February 18, 2008- February 23, 2008 Pearl A. Leventhal, Forest City, died Monday morning in Marian Community Hospital, Carbondale. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/pearl-a-leventhal-february-18-2008?fromrss... Crow invasion in city neighborhoods baffles experts- February 21, 2008 "Sometimes the callers are alarmed. Mostly though, they're just curious" Large flocks of crows are turning heads in Pittsburgh. The National Aviary is fielding an increasing number of phone calls from people concerned by the presence of the noisy, black birds, said spokeswoman Erin ... via Blairsville Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/crow-invasion-in-city-neighborhoods-baffle... Heller replacing brother on Forest City board- February 19, 2008 "The kids are the single most important resource we have" The Forest City Regional School Board on Monday appointed William Heller to fill the vacancy left by the death of his brother, Thomas Heller, who had been School Board president. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/heller-replacing-brother-on-forest-city-bo... Upvalley coping with loss of &145;all cop, good guy&146;- February 17, 2008 "Is there something I could have done Is there something I could have said" It didn't take long for Thomas Heller to win over Dominick Andidora. Few police officers jump at the chore of directing traffic, said Mr. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/upvalley-coping-with-loss-of-145-all-cop-g... Anna M. Sheroshek February 12, 2008- February 15, 2008 Anna M. Sheroshek, of Forest City, died Tuesday at Marian Community Hospital, Carbondale. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/anna-m-sheroshek-february-12-2008?fromrss=... THIS MORNING- February 12, 2008 The driver of a white Mercury Sable and a female toddler escaped serious injury Monday when their vehicle rolled over and struck a guardrail, Dickson City police said. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/this-morning-2?fromrss=1 THIS MORNING- February 1, 2008 "What this whole situation is telling us is that (blasting) is not predictable, and it's not safe" State police at Gibson are investigating the death of a Carbondale detective who was found dead Wednesday in Susquehanna County. via The Times-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/union-dale-pa/2008/02/this-morning?fromrss=1 |