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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for May 2008

St. Florian News

Local news for St. Florian, AL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Cleveland Orchestra in Performance: Bruckner Symphony No. 5 - May 26, 2008

Save the date! June 11, 2008. On PBS at 9 PM, the 2006 performance of Bruckner's Symphony No.

Law enforcement agencies 'armed for tourism' - May 17, 2008

"All of our officers will have these packets in the vehicles and will be giving them out." Florence police officer Chris Ticer listens as Alison Stanfield explains about local law enforcement officers carrying tourist information with them to hand out. via Times Daily

Ministry adds new heritage sites - May 10, 2008

"We wanted to balance the distribution of heritage sites throughout the country, as the list was centered too much on Prague" Being the site of Napoleon's proclamation of victory after the Battle of Austerlitz is one of Slavkov Castle's claims to fame. via Prague Post

Appreciation Picnic planned for Saturday - May 2, 2008

"We're also giving presentations to the fire and police departments" Last Updated:April 30. 2008 9:16PM Published: May 01. 2008 3:30AM Residents get to spend a few hours Saturday showing appreciation for the town's daily heroes and having a good time in the process. via Times Daily
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