Vanceburg NewsLocal news for Vanceburg, KY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Budget crunch already felt at Lewis Fiscal Court- February 12, 2008 "I have over 150 customers now" The impact of losing Vanceburg's portion of its insurance premium tax revenue is already being felt in Lewis County Fiscal Court. via The Ledger Independent - Maysville, K... Vanceburg, Lewis County at odds over insurance tax- February 9, 2008 "If we would have enacted an ordinance any year up until now, we would have been entitled to that tax" Lewis county officials feel "blind-sided" by the city of Vanceburg's decision to gain revenue from a tax the county passed along to residents in 2000. via Independent Vanceburg ratifies insurance premium tax- February 7, 2008 "I was here in 2000 when the fiscal court had the political courage to enact this tax countywide" City council voted unanimously Wednesday to ratify an insurance premium tax ordinance that will reclaim revenue already paid to Lewis County. via The Ledger Independent - Maysville, K... Vanceburg passes ordinance in favor of insurance premium tax- February 5, 2008 "We don't try and stop any downtown development but we must be diligent in following FEMA guidelines or the city risks losing it's insurance for every structure." The City of Vanceburg passed the first reading of an ordinance to keep insurance premium taxes Monday evening, potentially adding another avenue of revenue for the city. via The Ledger Independent - Maysville, K... |