tWisted dEvotiontWisted dEvotion - LiveJournal.comYoinked from many...- February 21, 2007 I haven't seen this weeks episode yet (downloading it now), so no spoilers!! , you're now logged in! Below you'll find your test result. After, continue on to your homescreen to discover what we're about. continue to OkCupid homescreen > D.L. Hawkins You scored 45 Idealism, 50 Nonconformity, 33 Nerdiness I ain't wearing no tights.Congratulations, you're D.L. Hawkins! You've got a bit of a past to overcome, but. Menemenemenemenemenem. No, really...- February 1, 2007 I haven't much time, but I thought a brief post might not be a bad idea. Been doing little bits of paperwork here and there getting myself set up for benefits and taxes and such at work, and we've been preparing to move to the new warehouse. Our last day in Markham will be the 16th and we start training in the new facility on the following Saturday. It's called "Pick to Light", which means that picking orders will be done completely different from how they're done now. ... |