All CanningsAll Cannings, Wiltshire, England - The community site, open to all! Includes Parish Council Minutes.Village Map- January 28, 2006 This map only show the main part of the village - the Parish of All Cannings is much larger and includes Allington, South Farm and Cannings Cross. But it can be compared to this 1841 map: (click for larger... Eartliest concrete houses- January 20, 2006 Reading the local Parish magazine there is an excellent article by the local historian Rick Ozzard about houses made of concrete. There doesn't sound much to interest one in the subject until one starts to consider where are the earliest... History- January 1, 2006 The following is the text from the Church information bulletin. "All Cannings is one of the ancient villages of the Pewsey Vale. It is thought to originate from a Saxon settlement, and is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086... |