Antrim NewsLocal news for Antrim, NH continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Police Logs- May 28, 2008 The following items were recorded in the Newburyport police log: r Bruce Mitchell, 53, of 15 Newton Road, Sandwich, was issued a summons Sunday at 7:43 p.m. for violating a restraining order. Red Flag Warning Issued Monday- May 26, 2008 A red flag warning has been issued for some New Hampshire counties Monday. The warning will be in effect from noon to 8 p.m. In Hillsborough and Cheshire counties. Several New Hampshire Towns Look Into Combining Police- May 20, 2008 Several towns in southwestern New Hampshire are looking into forming a regional police department. Lesure's departure to leave hole in stafffor GBSAES campus- May 15, 2008 "With the elimination of the position of Principal at Antrim Elementary School and the creation of the campus, much will change" The resignation of Deb Lesure Tuesday leaves the ConVal School District searching for a new assistant principal for the combined Antrim Elementary and Great Brook School campus. via Http Celebrating the ConVal community's performance- May 6, 2008 April and May signal spring and spring signals change. The weather changes, energy levels change, and in schools, this seasonal period marks a surge in performance and excitement in learning throughout the ... via Http Outdoor Cooking Beyond the Grill- May 3, 2008 Allison Kerwin checks to see if the pizza is ready in her backyard adobe oven. She invites friends to bring their own dough to bake when she fires it up several times a year. via New Hampshire Magazine Videoconference links Greencastle-Antrim fifth-graders with astronauts- May 1, 2008 "I got really nervous because I was going to be talking to a space commander. It was really scary." A pair of Greencastle-Antrim Elementary School fifth-graders got excited Wednesday when they learned they would be addressing a group of astronauts through NASA's Digital Learning Network. via Herald-Mail |