Tyrone NewsLocal news for Tyrone, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Food Bank offers great service to area- February 22, 2008 Since September, we have had monthly distribution of food from the Mobile Food Pantry Truck in the Bradford and Tyrone areas. via Star-Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-ny/2008/02/food-bank-offers-great-service-to-area?fromrss... Schuyler to weigh alcohol requests- February 13, 2008 "I haven't been opposed to the wine tasting at the festival out front" WATKINS GLEN - The Schuyler County Legislature Monday night agreed to continue to accept requests to serve alcoholic beverages at festivals on county property, such as the lawn of the County Courthouse. via Ithaca Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-ny/2008/02/schuyler-to-weigh-alcohol-requests?fromrss=1 Fire Destroys Schuyler County Home- February 12, 2008 "Then we're coming back out to do our job." A Schuyler County family is homeless after fire engulfed their home Monday morning. via WETM-TV Elmirahttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-ny/2008/02/fire-destroys-schuyler-county-home?fromrss=1 Announcements for Feb. 10, 2008- February 10, 2008 Thomas and Sandra Minichiello of State College, Pa., celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. via Star-Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-ny/2008/02/announcements-for-feb-10-2008?fromrss=1 |