Tyrone NewsLocal news for Tyrone, NM continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Legislator succumbs to cancer- October 23, 2007 "Manny Herrera was a quiet, but effective advocate for the people in Grant and Hidalgo counties" Long-time state Rep. Manuel G. Herrera, D-Bayard, died Sunday morning at the age of 70 in his Bayard home following an extensive battle with prostate cancer. via Silver City Sun-Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2007/10/legislator-succumbs-to-cancer?fromrss=1 Fugitive of the week: Tyrone Willeto Becenti- October 19, 2007 The United States Marshals Service is currently seeking Tyrone Willeto Becenti based on an arrest warrant issued by the United States District Court of New Mexico on October 14, 2007. via KOBhttp://www.topix.net/city/tyrone-nm/2007/10/fugitive-of-the-week-tyrone-willeto-becenti?fr... |