The AHDS BlogDigital Resource News from the Arts and Humanities Data ServiceScholarship Online - A Companion to the Digital Humanities on the web- January 30, 2007 A Companion to the Digital Humanities was published last year, providing authoratative research into how digital methodologies, tools and resources have effected various different fields in the humanities. It was written by Susan Schreibman (University Of Maryland), Ray Siemens (University Of Victoria) and John Unsworth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The book has now been made ... Standing up to the Copyright Enemy- January 29, 2007 The Connecting Commerce and Culture conference at the National Gallery last Friday had various expert presentations, but the dominant concern was the familiar bugbear of copyright, and how it threatened the opportunities museums have for digitising and making commerical gain from their collections. The Gowers Report on Intellectual Property was not well received - musuems ... TEI Training Day- January 25, 2007 The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) are running a training day on the TEI at Oxford University Computing Services on February 13th. Lou Burnard and Sebastian Rahtz are the teachers. The details are at; in brief we&8217;ll discuss: Digital Text with TEI and XML. What is text anyway How does XML represent it Creating and editing an XML ... |