Wales NewsLocal news for Wales, AK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Prince of Wales resident shares original coleslaw recipe- June 25, 2008 Remember, it's all about the grill and your favorite side dishes. RECIPE SHARED: G.A., of Prince of Wales, said that coleslaw has many variations and goes great with brisket, ribs, hamburgers, steaks or ... One-fish limit for charters still in place- June 7, 2008 For now, the new one-halibut bag limit for guided fishermen in Southeast Alaska stands. Community profile: Wales- June 5, 2008 Published: June 3rd, 2008 12:10 AM Last Modified: June 3rd, 2008 12:35 AM WALES POPULATION: 139 LOCATION: On Cape Prince of Wales, at the western tip of the Seward Peninsula, 111 miles northwest of Nome. Groups, city file Tongass plan appeals- June 3, 2008 After a decade of lawsuits and amendments, the new Tongass Land Management Plan was released earlier this year. |