Wales NewsLocal news for Wales, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Their view is one of a cleaner world- April 21, 2008 Town of Genesee - On a sunny, yippee!-spring-is-finally-here kind of morning last week, I followed Michelle Bridge and her mom, Kathy, down the long steep grade behind their home on the outskirts of Wales. via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Teach hope, learn love- April 6, 2008 "This effort that you're making today might not seem much but it means so much to the children of Sierra Leone" Taxpayers spent $16.9 million to renovate and expand Kettle Moraine High School following a successful referendum in 2001. via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Make it fresh fare- April 3, 2008 "I ensure freshness and organic quality in my produce" Whether it's a special feature or a standard entree on the dinner menu, chefs throughout north central Wisconsin strive to serve their customers the freshest, most savory entrees possible. via WisInfo |