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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for April 2008

tech ronin

life in the 21st century, personal technology, free agent nation, social web...

Added my Twitter feed here in the side bar - April 13, 2008

Hi folks. I just added my Twitter feed (the feed will always show my latest 5 posts) to the sidebar near the top of my page. For the most part, these are my 1-liner ideas as they occur to me. Some of ideas the I post on twitter may later appear in a blog post where I have plenty of room to do them justice. One of the things that stops me from doing some blog posts is that the idea is either too short or too involved. Now I have a place to put my quick insights, opinions and...

TweetClouds for Twitter are here - April 7, 2008

The more I use Twitter as a microblogging tool, the more I want features that I've come to take for granted in the blogging realm. One of those is tag clouds. TweetClouds to the rescue. If you use Twitter as a microblogging platform rather than a shared virtual space among close friends, you might want your own tweet cloud. Just go over to and enter your twitter account name and press go. As you can see above, it took 111 seconds to calculate my cloud. That's how long it took...

Quake 3 on two iPod touches - April 5, 2008

HermitWorks made a YouTube video of one guy with an iPod touch in two hands playing what looks like two players at once in Quake 3. Worth a quick look if you are a gamer and a current or prospective iPhone or iPod touch owner. I just want to try that for myself. My having an iPhone and an iPod touch makes this video particularly appealing. I just like having my mind blown is all.
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