[karsten samaschke]ASP.NET daily. Or weekly.Help: Looking for a quit Centrino!- July 12, 2004 Now I need your help: I own a Dell Inspiron 8200, which is okay for my work. But there is one thing that drives me crazy: It is noisy! The cooler's always running and it is loud enough to be heard from the other side of the room. :-( So, I need your recommendations for the successor of my noisy dell: It will need to have a Pentium-M-processor, the Centrino-certificate, a 1400x1050 or 1600x1200 (or something in between) 15.x" display, a seperate graphics-adaptor (ATI Rage 9x00 or some NVidia...http://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/12/181073.aspx Useful article on XML-Serialization- July 12, 2004 Read it once, read it twice and still find it very useful: http:msdn.microsoft.commsdnmagissues0306XMLFileshttp://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/12/181068.aspx Funny one: Files named incorrectly at MSDN Subscriber Downloads- July 7, 2004 This mail just dropped in: --- SCHNIPP --- Our records indicate you recently downloaded Visual C 2005 Express Beta 1 andor Visual C++ 2005 Express Beta 1 from MSDN Subscriber Downloads at http:msdn.microsoft.comsubscriptionsdownloads. Unfortunately these two files were incorrectly named: the Visual C download was actually Visual C++ and vice versa. The file names have since been corrected. You can verify the correct files by their file size: Visual C++ (en_vc_2005_express_beta1.iso): 297.57..http://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/07/174749.aspx Is Microsoft going to drop C- July 5, 2004 As Hannes Preishuber reports in his weblog, MS is going to drop C. It sounds like a joke. Or is it serious Ask Hannes, if you want to know more... :-)http://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/05/173156.aspx Sensational: GREECE IS EUROPEAN SOCCER CHAMPION!!!- July 4, 2004 Great! Nobody ever imagined this! Congratulations!!!http://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/04/172888.aspx Keep 'em free, Bill!- July 2, 2004 Personally, I love the new Express products! I feel, this is something special and new in the Microsoft world. Sorry 'bout this, but in my opinion, SharpDevelop is no alternative compared to the Express editions. And WebMatrix isn't either. Because of this, here are my personal reasons, why Microsoft has to continue to give away the Express editions for free: We need a free, but really powerful IDE! Imagine, you're an enthusiast or student: You would mind paying for a...http://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/03/172137.aspx PHP-Plugin for VS.NET- July 2, 2004 Yes! Here it is: http:www.jcxsoftware.comjcx.corporate6moduleswfsectionindex.phpcategory=11. And as far as I heard it: It works and it offers you IntelliSense and support for many of the PHP-features. So, if you like to program in PP, then you should consider using it.http://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/02/172011.aspx Read the Readme when installing any of the Express-products using BITS- July 2, 2004 To avoid any confusion whether the install is continuing or not, please read the Readme for the Installation: http:lab.msdn.microsoft.comexpressreadmehttp://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/02/171928.aspx MSDN Universal Downloads as RSS-Feed- July 2, 2004 Found it today, added it and will be using it: http:msdn.microsoft.comsubscriptionsrss.xmlhttp://weblogs.asp.net/ksamaschke/archive/2004/07/02/171895.aspx |