Atlantic Highlands NewsLocal news for Atlantic Highlands, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Pace of coal tar cleanup an issue in Atlantic Highlands- June 30, 2008 Although borough officials agree the New Jersey Natural Gas Co.'s coal tar cleanup project is a huge undertaking, they said they are beginning to lose patience with the progress of the project. Flounder fishery fight not over quite yet- June 28, 2008 There is a widespread belief among summer flounder anglers that their work to save the fishery has been completed. Blood Drive at AH United Methodist Church- June 26, 2008 The United Methodist Churches of Atlantic Highlands & Navesink will be holding their annual Blood Drive on Thursday July 10th, 2008 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. Local doctors shorten recovery time with video-assisted surgery- June 24, 2008 Earlier this year, a pulmonary specialist told Union resident James Heimall, 64, that the only way to treat his lung cancer was a procedure that would cut into his back and crack his ribs and feature a lengthy ... Highlands Parish Celebrates 125th Anniversary- June 24, 2008 The Most Rev. Bishop John M. Smith will celebrate the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church Sunday, June 29, officially commemorating the 125th anniversary of the parish. Atlantic Artisans hosts "Opera in the Gallery"- June 22, 2008 Opera by Carly McIlvaine and art by oil perpainters Eunice Vellon, Highlands and Michael McCrink, Atlantic Highlands . Colby and Dean are Recipients of the Donoghue Music Scholarship- June 20, 2008 ROAD CLOSURES & DETOURS DWIGHT ROAD & RED HILL ROAD INTERSECTION MIDDLETOWN LINCROFT ROAD FROM BAMM HOLLOW TO CASTLE DRIVE See Detour Map This is an advisory from the Middletown Police Department. Atlantic Highlands plans rate increases- June 18, 2008 Water and sewer rates would increase under an ordinance introduced by the Borough Council on Wednesday. New farmers' market coming soon to Atlantic Highlands- June 16, 2008 Summer's onset in the Garden State heralds the return of local farmers' markets statewide, and the Atlantic Highlands Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce a new weekly Farmers' Market that will be opening ... Finding best Shore bakeries is a piece of cake- June 14, 2008 No matter where you are on the Jersey Shore, you can be sure a grocery store with packaged baked goods isn't far from reach. |