Valdez NewsLocal news for Valdez, AK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.$21 billion Alaska energy plan proposed- July 10, 2008 RENEWABLE AND ALTERNATIVE: Inclusion of coal in projects leaves some lawmakers less than happy. The Pull - My View North- July 9, 2008 If you've ever set-netted for salmon you'll understand the pull of Cook Inlet that Kathy Clark refers to in her essay, "The Pull of the Net." I fished commercially for eight years back in the '80s and missed it ... Alaska editorial: Exxon should quit stalling and pay up- July 7, 2008 This editorial appeared in the Anchorage Daily News: It's been a bitter business for the 32,000 or so plaintiffs in the Exxon Valdez case. Oil industry trumpets its economic impact- July 5, 2008 JOBS: Companies responsible for 21 percent of private-sector payroll. Published: July 1st, 2008 12:14 AM Last Modified: July 1st, 2008 02:07 AM The oil industry wants to remind us how big it is in Alaska. Politics blog: Double vodkas, 53 million gallons of oil and enough...- July 3, 2008 This is the place to talk about Alaska politics -- state, local, national. Public life in the Last Frontier may never have been more interesting than right now -- the broad and still-evolving corruption ... Timeline leading up to Supreme Court Exxon Valdez decision- July 1, 2008 Ever since the spill occurred fishermen have said it is not enough. There has always been a strong sentiment that Exxon should be punished. |