Wainwright NewsLocal news for Wainwright, AK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Fairbanks EDC to conduct study on coal to liquids plant- May 24, 2008 Fairbanks Economic Development Corp. has signed a contract with a Toronto-based engineering firm to conduct a $550,000 screening study on a possible coal or biomass-to-liquids plant in Fairbanks.http://www.topix.net/city/wainwright-ak/2008/05/fairbanks-edc-to-conduct-study-on-coal-to-... Aviation historian Randy Acord dies- May 22, 2008 Interior aviation historian Randy Acord has died at the age of 89. Acord - a Clarendon, Texas, native - died Monday night in Fairbanks from complications due to pneumonia, said Keith Blanchard, director of the ...http://www.topix.net/city/wainwright-ak/2008/05/aviation-historian-randy-acord-dies?fromrs... Pentagon: 25,000 troops to be deployed to Iraq- May 20, 2008 Washington_The Pentagon says about 25,000 U.S. soldiers will be deployed to Iraq beginning in the fall, replacing troops scheduled to come home by the end of the year. via KSWOhttp://www.topix.net/city/wainwright-ak/2008/05/pentagon-25-000-troops-to-be-deployed-to-i... More funding needed for Fort Wainwright memorial- May 13, 2008 "There's nothing else this extensive there." If everyone in the Fairbanks area donated just $1, the Fairbanks Veterans Association would have enough money to fund a Fort Wainwright memorial to those in the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team who have paid ... via Alaska Journal of Commercehttp://www.topix.net/city/wainwright-ak/2008/05/more-funding-needed-for-fort-wainwright-me... Army rescues six people stranded by flooding along Interior rivers- May 11, 2008 "This is the first time it's flooded that bad in the area for some time" Ice jams caused flooding along two Interior Alaska rivers and an Army helicopter participated in two rescues. via Juneau Empirehttp://www.topix.net/city/wainwright-ak/2008/05/army-rescues-six-people-stranded-by-floodi... |