Atlanta NewsLocal news for Atlanta, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Free the Cuban Five Conference- June 16, 2008 Credits: FOR NEARLY TEN YEARS NOW, FIVE CUBAN NATIONALS HAVE BEEN IN JAIL CONVICTED OF CONSPIRACY TO SPY AND OTHER CHARGES. Friends open Main Street Bistro in Atlanta- June 14, 2008 When Zebbie Xavier and Sandy Alvarez became friends last summer they began to embark on an idea to open a restaurant in Atlanta. Chinese buyers tour soybean plant- June 12, 2008 Twenty-seven Chinese soybean buyers representing companies that buy 65 percent of the country's soybean exports visited Claypool this morning. A New Take on "Family Pizza Night"- June 10, 2008 Make your pizza night more exciting by jumping aboard the Indiana Transportation Museums Pizza Train. Fund set up in memory of teen- June 8, 2008 Those who knew and loved Dietrich Jackson have a new way to help keep his memory alive. Heartland train rides return to five towns- June 6, 2008 The Indiana Transportation Museum's Hoosier Heartland train rides this year include longer stays and more activities as the series kicks off June 14. |