Avilla NewsLocal news for Avilla, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Memories of singing cowboys attract crowd to Autry Days- June 30, 2008 John Buttram was just 6 years old when he first met Gene Autry. It was at a rodeo, and Buttram didn't think much of it.http://www.topix.net/city/avilla-in/2008/06/memories-of-singing-cowboys-attract-crowd-to-a... Festivals and Events in Noble County, Indiana- June 27, 2008 A calendar of local festivals and events is available at the Visit Noble County website: http:www.visitnoblecounty.comcalendar.html For more information regarding Noble County, contact the Visitors Bureau at 1-877-202-5761 When visiting Noble County, stop by the Visitors Center located in the little log cabin on U.S. Rt. 6 just west of Kendallville! You'll find brochures, maps, festival & event lists, lake info....and more! Brochure boxes on the covered front porch are stocked with...http://www.topix.net/city/avilla-in/2008/06/festivals-and-events-in-noble-county-indiana?f... Tiffanie Knox-Harris and her husband Jonathan who saved her life- June 26, 2008 The community is coming together to help an Avilla woman who's lucky to be alive after her husband found her unconscious in a ditch.http://www.topix.net/city/avilla-in/2008/06/tiffanie-knox-harris-and-her-husband-jonathan-... Lutheran launches state's first hospital milk depot- June 18, 2008 The donated milk is used to feed premature babies when their mother's milk is not an option.http://www.topix.net/city/avilla-in/2008/06/lutheran-launches-states-first-hospital-milk-d... Gaslight Playhouse Theater presents "The Wiz"- June 2, 2008 Gaslight Playhouse Theater in Kendallville is currently in rehearsals for it's summer production of "The Wiz"! Performances will be in Floral Hall on the Noble County Fairgrounds, Kendallville. Tickets will go on sale June 9th. Based on -- and updated from -- the original Broadway musical (as opposed to the 1978 movie starring Diana Ross and Michael Jackson), this family-friendly production will showcase many talented, area residents (from high school students to middle-aged adults). DON'T...http://www.topix.net/city/avilla-in/2008/06/gaslight-playhouse-theater-presents-the-wiz?fr... |