Audubon NewsLocal news for Audubon, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Extension of Audubon County's one-cent levy approved- January 31, 2008 "The money will be used for the elementary project or to supplement property tax" By Laura Bacon NT Staff Writer EXIRA - Voters in Audubon County, in Audubon, Exira and Kimballton precincts, voted to renew a one-cent sales tax levy - to Dec. via Atlantic News-Telegraph 50th Wedding Anniversary- January 29, 2008 The children of Rodney and Shirley Schroeter announce their parents' 50th wedding anniversary, and suggest a card shower. via Atlantic News-Telegraph Englin-Janssen- January 27, 2008 Megan Kaylene Englin and Justin Scot Janssen exchanged wedding vows Sept. 1, 2007, in Cedar Falls. via Waterloo Courier Audubon barber a finalist for 'Best Barber in Iowa'- January 25, 2008 "This clipping contest promises to be a hair-raising event with lots of good old fashioned fun" Barber Sam Kauffman of Audubon has been named one of the 10 finalists in a contest to crown "The Best Barber in Iowa" by "Our Iowa" magazine. via Atlantic News-Telegraph Humorist to be keynote speaker at "Boots to Heels"- January 22, 2008 "Herrick, a motivational humorist, founder and owner of a presentation business called "a.k.a. -All Kidding Aside" Motivational humorist and owner of "a.k.a -All Kidding Aside" Jenny Herrick of Sioux City will be the keynote speaker of the "Boots to Heels" conference set for March 1. The conference, which will be held at ... via Atlantic News-Telegraph |