Atlanta NewsLocal news for Atlanta, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Road to opportunity- December 8, 2007 "They're well trained, and they're good workers." sba loan helps veterans' startupWhen their private financing package fell through at the last minute, Eric Gove and Ronald Redenius said they thought their startup trucking venture might be doomed.That was before Dan Corman at Citizens Bank of Kansas told the military veterans from Winfield about the Small Business Administration's Patriot Express loan.'He said he could get it turned around in 48 hours, and he did,' Gove said.The Patriot... Tax aid for disabled: Local Program Goes National- December 3, 2007 "So I began thinking, who is it that's over 25 and earning so little" Wichita woman's volunteer program adopted by IRSJudy Stengel's professional experience with the IRS and her personal experience as the mother of a son with a developmental disability have dovetailed in a way that's helping others nationwide.The retired senior tax specialist with the IRS in Wichita and the mother of Kurt Stengel, 41, noticed something: People who are disabled or mentally ill often don't file tax returns... |