Axtell NewsLocal news for Axtell, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Easter, Holy Week services are scheduled- March 19, 2008 Easter, Holy Week services are scheduled Last Updated: March 19, 2008 03:12:11 PM Area churches will observe Holy Week services. via Marysville Advocate Rare quadruplet lambs born to Kroeger ewe- March 13, 2008 "I guess if I had to attribute the ewe having quads to anything, I would have to say that it would probably have something to do with the heat last year, which would make the rams go sterile during the extreme heat" Rare quadruplet lambs born to Kroeger ewe By JoAnn Shum Last Updated: March 12, 2008 03:33:03 PM A ewe owned by James Kroeger, Axtell, had quadruplet lambs Feb. via Marysville Advocate |