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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2008

Mega projects in the UAE - April 28, 2008

It's worth checking out this slideshow of two massive developments in the UAE. One is of an all new city in Dubai (which I guess will be called "new new Dubai") and the other is of an eco-city in Abu Dhabi. The artist renditions of Dubai are all taken from 30,000 feet -- you see no people, and get no sense of what it will actually be like to live there. Dubai just not into that kind of detail.By contrast, the pictures of Abu Dhabi's eco-city are much closer in. You see actually people walking... sucks - April 22, 2008

Is it just me, or does suck Here's a segment with two folks whom I like, on a topic that interests me, and I find it completely unwatchable. Clay and Will look awful with those headsets on, and uncomfortable as they squirm around on their chairs. The misalignment of the camera and the computer screen means that they are either gazing off into some corner, or under the screen, which just looks weird. The severe stereo leftright production also is distracting.I cannot think of...

Google's impact on the Bay Area economy - April 22, 2008

This remarkable note on on job growth in Silicon Valley highlights how Google is completely dominating the market.Google added over 5,592 jobs in Mountain, representing over 50% of the growth in "Internet Services."5,592 net new local jobs represents 77%(!) of the reported 7,300 total Santa Clara County jobs added in 2007!!As an aside, assuming a typical 10,000 share option package vested over four years, every Google employee in-place at or before the IPO collects 2,500 shares time $450 for a..

UK Bailout - April 21, 2008

The Bank of England, like the US Fed, is putting taxpayer money at risk to prop up housing prices and protect banks. A friend of mine who lives in the UK quipped that in the US, employees spend their time on job sites, while in the UK they spend their time on housing sites.

Lower prices needed - April 14, 2008

Ed Leamer gets his time in the sun.Well, not entirely. When it comes to housing, lower prices dont inevitably cause sales to rise. Why Because lower housing prices create the expectation of still lower prices later, causing buyers to wait for a better deal. Left alone, a weak market therefore overshoots with prices too low and construction too little.Given that housing in the US is still dramatically above where it has been historically (yes, here is that graph again) it seems premature to...

Money well spent (we promise) - April 11, 2008

Former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve board, and DC fixture Alice Rivlin gets some quality time in the Grey Lady.ONE benefit of the Federal Reserves rescue of Bear Stearns is that public outrage has aroused the political system to action in mitigating the foreclosure crisis.Never mind that the supposed conflict between Wall Street and Main Street is a false one Main Street runs on credit and cannot prosper if the financial system is in shambles and credit dries up. Never mind that the...
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