Utica NewsLocal news for Utica, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Amber Alert day highlights missing child program- January 14, 2008 "A vehicle can travel miles within a few minutes." Connan Wolfe and Everett Holz are dispatchers for Winona area emergency personnel. via Winona Daily Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/utica-mn/2008/01/amber-alert-day-highlights-missing-child-progra... Farmers Learn Leadership Through Intensive Program- January 5, 2008 "Once you're committed to it, you're in with both feet, and you better make the most of it" We've seen Greg Schwarz walk his field in winter, plant seed in spring and harvest the crop in fall. via Wcco.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/utica-mn/2008/01/farmers-learn-leadership-through-intensive-prog... Man faces (more) cocaine charges- January 1, 2008 Mark Anthony Eggerson was back in jail Friday for the sixth time since April. Eggerson, 23, of Utica, Minn., was booked into Winona County Jail on Friday after police allege he sold cocaine in a controlled buy. via Winona Daily Newshttp://www.topix.net/city/utica-mn/2008/01/man-faces-more-cocaine-charges?fromrss=1 |