Vote Gibbons Out! Jim Gibbons is America's Worst Governor!Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is America's Worst Governor!Show Biz Bits- June 30, 2008 Sadly, John McCain's "wife-beater" joke only makes number eight on the eight most inappropriate John McCain jokes. (YH) You know, McCain's sort of a Gibbons, but on the national scale. Now, THAT'S scary. Aren't multi-talented people so impressive You know,... GIbbons' Country: Uncle Willy's Busy Day- June 30, 2008 So, let's see what happened at the special session. It started out with a bunch of pictures of the Governor groping a former Playmate at a rodeo. We finally learn why the magic has gone out of the GIbbons' marriage.... Gube Wanted: No Concubines Please- June 29, 2008 This was funny: A Reno TeeVee station noted that somebody had placed a help wanted item on Craig's list. In this case, they were looking for a new Governor for the state of Nevada. Among the qualifications: integrity, as well... Gibbons Already a Liability for McCain- June 29, 2008 Well, its probably just one of those little bumps on the campaign road, but Gibbons' follies have already been a liability to John McCain's failed shot at the White House. After McCain selected Minime Krolicki as his figurehead campaign leader... Hurray! The Grope-a-Bunny Special Session- June 27, 2008 What could possibly make this exciting first, maybe last, day of the special session any better Pics of the Gube groping a former Playboy playmate might do it. (NA,Glean) Well, so what Gibbons hasn't had much to do in preparation... Governor Gives Outstanding, Hopeful Speech- June 27, 2008 The Governor promised that this budget mess will never happen again, and that she will work with anyone to fix the "1960's" financial structure of the failed state of Nevada. (INP) Oh, wait. That silly guy speaking BEFORE Buckley is... Dribbly Summer Cold Gubelets- June 26, 2008 Straight from my inflamed sinuses to you... It's bazzilonaire vs bazzilionaire in the fight over Dennis Montgomery's hard drives! (RJ) Well, the story makes a lovely subtext the brutal budget fight, don't it The judge couldn't have picked a better... One Nevada- June 25, 2008 Is it me, or is there a full scale war goin' on over the budget You've got Chancellor TV goin' after the Gube, desperate hagiography from the Sun-wrapper, nicely debunked by Sebelius, and everybody fightin' over whether that report from... Passed Over- June 23, 2008 The McCain machine passed over the world's worst governor in order to select the world's worst lieutenant governor, Brian "Minime" Krolicki, its campaign manager in Nevada. (RJ) Course, no matter which of the two McCain picked, he would have found... eTreppid Case Just Got Weirder- June 23, 2008 Check out the latest fun up at eTreppid, Inc. (RGJ) According to court filings from Dennis Montgomery's former attorney Michael Flynn, Montgomery went to work for a company owned by ultra-rich divorcee Edra Blixseth after leaving eTreppid. Now there are... |