Trenton NewsLocal news for Trenton, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Winter-Parker- March 31, 2008 Betsy Heath Winter of Deep Run and Timothy Michael Parker of La Grange were married at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. via Kinston Free Press Bikers ride, play poker to help pay bills of family with sick child- March 23, 2008 "We've tried to keep up with them and support them since. In tight times, people find money, especially for children. This event is finding it for Rachel." About 300 people paid $10, rode their motorcycles 70 miles and played poker Saturday to raise money for an anemic 3-year-old girl. via Sun Journal Two detours to be implemented in Jones County- March 16, 2008 "We've got a water line that crosses that bridge that they're going to replace, too" Work to replace the bridge over Mussel Shell Creek in Jones County could begin by the end of the month. via Kinston Free Press Two LCC students share spotlight- March 8, 2008 Samuel J. Kornegay of Kinston and Crystal Andrews of Trenton have been selected as Lenoir Community College's Students of the Month for March. via Kinston Free Press Mercer, Arthur- March 4, 2008 Lacey Nicole Mercer of Pollocksville and Bryan Wayne Arthur of New Bern will exchange wedding vows at 6 p.m. June 7 at Trenton Missionary Baptist Church in Trenton. via Jacksonville Daily News Trenton mom battles school- March 2, 2008 "I just feel something should be done about the safety of my child, so hopefully we can open up the doorways between parents and administration" A Trenton mother who has had a long-running feud with Jones County Schools claims her daughter, an exceptional needs student, was allowed to "wander" unaccompanied in the school parking lot while she watched ... via Kinston Free Press |