Tishomingo NewsLocal news for Tishomingo, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Chickasaw Nation Announces Election Candidates- June 5, 2008 The Chickasaw Nation Election Commission announces the candidates seeking Legislative and Supreme Court seats within the Chickasaw Nation.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/chickasaw-nation-announces-election-candid... Nursing Oklahoma careers to health- June 3, 2008 A NEW program at Murray State College in Tishomingo is helping students become registered nurses without quitting their day jobs.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/nursing-oklahoma-careers-to-health?fromrss... Filing for Chickasaw Nation general elections begins June 2- June 1, 2008 The Chickasaw Nation has announced the filing period for the 2008 general elections.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/05/filing-for-chickasaw-nation-general-electi... |