Tishomingo NewsLocal news for Tishomingo, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Eagle Scout hopeful helps Butterfly Garden grow- June 29, 2008 Some teachers leave indelible memories on the lives of their students, and Cheryl Coffelt at Washington Irving Elementary School is one of them.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/eagle-scout-hopeful-helps-butterfly-garden... Traveling Vietnam Wall In Tishomingo- June 27, 2008 The traveling Vietnam Wall made it's way to Tishomingo Thursday. The wall is three-fifths the size of the permanent Vietnam Wall Memorial in Washington, D.C. In Tishomingo, it's expected to attract 20-30,000 ...http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/traveling-vietnam-wall-in-tishomingo?fromr... Fire Destroys Apartments in Tishomingo- June 25, 2008 A fire early Friday morning leaves 15 people homeless. The fire broke out around midnight at the South Byrd Apartment Complex across from Murray State College in Tishomingo.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/fire-destroys-apartments-in-tishomingo?fro... Act II youth- June 23, 2008 The Oklahoma Arts Council and ACT II are proud to present TIm Kelley's "Don't Rock the Boat", a funfilled musical of life on a run-down cruise ship.The Ada youthspent two weeks in Tishomingo atthe Pennington ...http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/act-ii-youth?fromrss=1 Use of Electrical Resistivity Probe with Modflow for Screening Level...- June 21, 2008 Version: 1.0 Abstract: The hyporheic zone can provide significant nutrient attenuation in watersheds.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/use-of-electrical-resistivity-probe-with-m... Ada Discusses Secondary Water Supply Source- June 19, 2008 Building a lake. Possibly putting people's property underwater. Are those the answers for the future of Ada's water supply The city says it will need another water supply just in case of a drought.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/ada-discusses-secondary-water-supply-sourc... Craig Nelson re-enlists- June 16, 2008 Army Staff Sgt. Craig S. Nelson has re-enlisted in the U.S. Army for two years. Nelson is an action pistol gunsmith and service pistol shooter assigned to the U.S. Army Unit at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/craig-nelson-re-enlists?fromrss=1 Area Briefs June 12, 2008- June 12, 2008 THURSDAY JUNE 12, 2008 Special Education training offered ADA - Pontotoc Technology Center is holding a Paraprofessional Special Education Training June 9th-12th. Please contact Becky McKenzie at 580-310-2267. ...http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/area-briefs-june-12-2008?fromrss=1 Filing period closed Wednesday- June 10, 2008 The filing period primary elections in July closed Wednesday evening. In individual Oklahoma counties, declarations of candidacy were made for the offices of the court clerk, county clerk, county sheriff, and ...http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/filing-period-closed-wednesday?fromrss=1 Use of Electrical Resistivity Probe for Determination of Hyporheic Flow- June 7, 2008 The hyporheic zone can play a significant role in nutrient behavior in watersheds.http://www.topix.net/city/tishomingo-ok/2008/06/use-of-electrical-resistivity-probe-for-de... |