Valliant NewsLocal news for Valliant, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bloggers keep the faith, contentiously- December 2, 2007 "Examine current events in the light of Southern Baptist distinctives the doctrines that set us apart from the broader Evangelical world, distinctives that prior generations fought and died for." Cole, 31, associate pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Enid, Okla. Blog: and . Theme: Doing battle with "highly organized right-wing fundamentalists seeking to narrow the ... via USA Today Religious bloggers go to heart of the matter- December 1, 2007 "Lost people are seeing the deep division and sometimes hatred that is flowing forth among churches and among those who are involved in convention discussions. For Christ's sake, stop!" 'For Christ's sake, stop!' declared the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Rev. via The Clarion-Ledger |