Alma Center NewsLocal news for Alma Center, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Brawl injures bartender- February 26, 2008 A brawl at the Full Moon Saloon in Alma Center early Sunday sent the bartender to the hospital and required numerous cops to break up the melee, police said. via The Chronicle Brawl injures bartender- February 24, 2008 A brawl at the Full Moon Saloon in Alma Center early Sunday sent the bartender to the hospital and required numerous cops to break up the melee, police said. via The Chronicle AC-H-M sets referendum meeting dates- February 22, 2008 "We think it's a very fair, negotiated settlement with the support staff" The Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan school board will hold three informational meetings in advance of the April 1 referendum. via The Chronicle Letter: AC-H-M superintendent explains referendum need- February 20, 2008 In January, the school board passed a resolution to hold a referendum on April 1 to authorize the school district to exceed the revenue limits by $300,000 per year for four years. via The Chronicle Jackson County circuit and traffic court reports- February 18, 2008 Stephanie B. Aabye, 18, Taylor, was fined $226.95 for issuance of worthless checks . via The Chronicle Referendum ahead: Revenue vote April 1 for AC-H-M- February 16, 2008 "The budget in this school district has never been the size it needs to be to function nicely" If you don't succeed, try again. That's the philosophy of the Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan School Board, which has decided to go back to the school district voters for the second straight year in an attempt to ... via The Chronicle Letter: Yes for Lincoln Kids supports referendum- February 14, 2008 The School District of Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan has kicked off the campaign for the 2008 school district referendum. via The Chronicle ACHM referendum discussed- February 12, 2008 The Alma Center-Humbird-Merrillan School Board met Monday night to discuss details on how to inform the public about the April 1 revenue cap ballot question. via The Chronicle Black River Falls Police Department reports- February 7, 2008 Gary E. Peterson, 59, Black River Falls, was issued a $160.80 citation for failure to yield while making a left turn. via The Chronicle |