Aniwa NewsLocal news for Aniwa, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.$15,000 fails dog sniff test- June 21, 2008 A man locked up in the Langlade County Safety Building jail expected to be out and about after a friend posted a $15,000 bond last week- but he and his pal may be in even more trouble. State ranks fourth in production of maple syrup, Vermont is tops- June 19, 2008 Wisconsin trails only three states in production of maple syrup, according to figures collected in New England. Bits and Pieces for June 7, 2008- June 9, 2008 For years members of one family have delivered the papers in Aniwa and when we reinstated stops in Birnamwood, they rolled along with those, too. Gloria Dei welcomes new pastors- June 5, 2008 NEENAH - Gloria Dei Lutheran Church recently hired the husband-wife team of Jon and Tabitha Gallatin as pastors of its congregation. |