Arkdale NewsLocal news for Arkdale, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Marianne E. Bernal- January 30, 2008 Marianne Emma Bernal, 64, of Arkdale, died unexpectedly Monday, Jan. 14, 2008, at her home. via WisInfo 4-H honors two with highest honor- January 19, 2008 "This year's winners both exemplify the goals and values of the Wisconsin 4-H program. Jeffery and Brianna are outstanding 4-H members and have shown the true colors of 4-H." For the Daily Tribune Jeffery Huber of the Thrifty Pals 4-H Club and Brianna Kroening of the Arkdale Kings and Queens 4-H Club have been selected as the Adams County Wisconsin 4-H Key Award winners for 2007. via Wisconsin Rapids Daily Tribune 'I don't know if I got hit 2 or 3 times'- January 8, 2008 "I don't know if I got hit two or three times. There were so many cars flying through there. Just when you think it was over, more cars would come" Jim and Doretta Kriecha weren't sure when the deadly battering would end. "I don't know if I got hit two or three times. via Chicago Sun-Times Journal Sentinel seeks witnesses- January 7, 2008 "It was very soupy stuff, very poor visibilities" A man from suburban Chicago said he and his wife braced themselves as cars began slamming into them during today's deadly pileup on an interstate east of Madison. via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel |