Arlington NewsLocal news for Arlington, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.State Patrol squad No. 2515 begins civilian life- April 26, 2008 "You will see their brake lights go on" Pedal-to-the-floor high-speed chases are over for squad car No. 2515. The bright blue 2003 Crown Victoria, with its high performance tires and V-8 engine, is now parked on Second Street in this village north of ... via Appleton Post-Crescent State's old vehicles have tales to tell- April 19, 2008 "Because (the crane) wouldn't sit still, one of us would drive the squad and we would hold the bird by the neck so it couldn't bite and by the legs so it couldn't scratch." MADISON - In four years with the Wisconsin State Patrol, squad car No. 2515 caught speeders, ferried prisoners and chased fugitives. via WisInfo Looking for a bucket truck State auction the place for you- April 17, 2008 "Everything from subcompacts, Dodge Neons, Ford Focuses, all the way up to dump trucks" MADISON - More than 100 state-owned vehicles will be auctioned to the public this weekend at an auction in Arlington. via WisInfo |