Ashippun NewsLocal news for Ashippun, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Weekly fishing report- January 24, 2008 Frigid weather kept many anglers off the lakes. Die-hard anglers reported tough conditions, although the weather has greatly improved ice conditions. via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Hartland man gets 18 months in beating- January 12, 2008 "The community can't tolerate young men who drink, get in fights, beat people up, cause serious injury, even risk death to their victims by tying them up and dumping them places" A Hartland man was sentenced to 18 months in prison Friday for his role in the beating of a West Bend man, who was pummeled so hard that he has no memory of the incident. via Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal Dodge County Marriage Licenses- January 6, 2008 The following marriage licenses were issued by the Dodge County Clerk's Office as of Jan. via WisInfo |