Augusta NewsLocal news for Augusta, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Four local BadgerCare Plus enrollment sites offered today- April 29, 2008 Four county sites will be participating in a one-day BadgerCare Plus enrollment fair today as part of Cover the Uninsured Week. via Leader-Telegram Augusta teen found dead in bed- April 21, 2008 Authorities are trying to determine the cause of death of a 16-year-old Augusta teen found in his bed Sunday morning. via Leader-Telegram County considering smoking ban- April 9, 2008 "The bottom line is the health aspect" Board hopes ban will level playing field Jacob McCormick Issue date: 4308 Section: News With the passage of the citywide smoking ban in Eau Claire, the county has decided to take steps toward a similar ... via The Spectator Seasonal mix-up- April 7, 2008 Those inches of wet, sloppy snow on the ground this morning are a cruel April Fools' joke - they're this year's version of springtime in the Chippewa Valley. via Leader-Telegram Smoldering support- April 5, 2008 "There is no momentum in that direction right now" Debate surrounding the controversial ban on smoking in Eau Claire public places continues in the wake of Tuesday's City Council adoption of the measure, but Eau Claire resident John Gyorfi hopes to move beyond ... via Leader-Telegram Sheriff Says Thermal Imager Helped Catch Burglary Suspects- April 3, 2008 The Eau Claire County Sheriff is giving credit to a recently-purchased thermal imager for helping catch two suspects in a recent burglary. via WEAU-TV Eau Claire Crash Sends 3 to the Hospital- April 1, 2008 A crash in Eau Claire County sends three people to the hospital Monday afternoon. via WEAU-TV Eau Claire |