Victoria NewsLocal news for Victoria, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Students help to fill pantry shelves- September 29, 2007 "It's heartwarming to see the students' desire to help others. It's also sparked some interest with the younger kids in 4-H. The students have come back and said some of the younger ones now want to join 4-H" Homecoming wasn't all fun and games for ROWVA District 208 students. A food drive sponsored by local 4-H Clubs at the schools resulted in many boxes of food to replenish the supplies at the ROWVA Community Food ... via The Register-Mail Births Announced- September 23, 2007 Mead Joseph and Randa Mead of Bellingham, Wash., are the parents of a son, Keaton Alexander, born Aug. via Bureau County Republican |