Wakefield NewsLocal news for Wakefield, KS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.POLICECOURTS- December 26, 2007 Driver cited in accident More than $1,000 damage was reported in a two-vehicle accident Saturday morning at Fourth and Lincoln, the Clay Center Police Department said. via Clay Center Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/wakefield-ks/2007/12/police-courts?fromrss=1 Unresponsive ATT, Westar compound relief problems here- December 17, 2007 "We were very concerned about fire danger with downed lines in the country and we knew a lot of people had no way to call to report emergencies" The greatest frustration government and emergency officials have faced throughout the ice storm disaster has been the inability or unwillingness of Westar and AT&T to communicate with them as they struggle to ... via Clay Center Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/wakefield-ks/2007/12/unresponsive-att-westar-compound-relief-pro... Shelters opening- December 13, 2007 "We had excellent response from Public Utilities. The Street Department did a good job opening paths for us." As Clay County residents dealt with power outages and downed trees from the ice storm, law enforcement officials this morning said things were going pretty well considering the circumstances. via Clay Center Dispatchhttp://www.topix.net/city/wakefield-ks/2007/12/shelters-opening?fromrss=1 |