An active coderPhilip Nelson - code, ski, pontificatePosturing is always in vogue- November 26, 2006 Check out this piece of crap that should never have made it past the desk of a responsible editor. So much for the arguments that having an editorial gatekeeper will shield the witless masses from being subjected to unqualified, sanctimonious opinions.I can let go of the fact that this guy doesn't understand what Web 2.0 is all about, lots of people are in that boat. But why would a news organization allow someone so totally clueless about distributed objects and their relationship to the broad. Social Networks seem to be neither- November 23, 2006 I have spent the last few months trying to get my head around the effects of the new kids in town, the big social networks, the Web 2.0 darlings, the perceived shift of "ownership" of the web from companies to users and how companies relate to all this. My week at the Web 2.0 conference, while not exactly an overwhelming experience, nevertheless seems to have pushed my brain over a steep ridge where the shadows aren't so deep. If you read this by Nick Carr, you can pick up on the various camps,. Slogging through Web 2.0- November 9, 2006 OK, actually I&39;m slogging through the end of Web 2.0 conference, waiting for the last hour of talks before it all ends. Slogging because one, I&39;m tired and two, this conference is run like a big TV show. I gave up TV a long time ago. I am sure I&39;m not the first to notice that at the conference arguably for and about user generated content, user relationships, and user ownership of the sites we visit, we are all herded into big rooms to listen to somebody else&39;s conversations with... |